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Top Tools: Synthetic Data for Research

Learn about synthetic research data that mimics surveys, qual research and behavioural observations, and what are the top tools available.

Mobile Qualitative, Video & Diary Tools – Market Map

A market map of leading software tools for mobile qualitative research, remote ethnography, diaries, video capture and user journey mapping.

What Brands Really Want from Research Partners

Henry Piney, host of the FutureView podcast, shares tips for research suppliers from insights & strategy leaders at Adidas, Twitch, Lego and other brands.

The Top Tools for Text Analytics

A roundup of some of the leading tools for text analytics for market research, user research and customer experience feedback data.

Five Best Practices for Testing E-Commerce Consumer Products

Expert advice on testing e-commerce consumer products for research, digital and media teams from Pierre Berthier, Founder of Emazing Retailing

Seven Tips for Assimilating Your Insight

Tips for research and insights teams for harnessing existing knowledge. By Dan Young, founder of Shed Research Consulting.

Market Landscape: Remote User Testing Solutions

Market Landscape featuring technology solutions that support remote user testing, usability research and video-based user interviews.

Interviews with Fraudsters

Compelling video interviews from InnovateMR and OpinionRoute with survey panel fraudsters around the world.

Market Landscape: Qualitative Research Software

A Market Map by Insight Platforms showing the different categories of qualitative research software tools: online focus groups, communities, mobile diaries, user research and more.

What are Research Repositories?

User research repositories are databases that help organisations manage, share, and access user research datasets for decision-making. Find out more in this Insight Platforms Explainer.

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